Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just a normal ride? Not quite.

Today, I rode, I rode a ride no different than I do any other day. I started out not looking forward to it, as I grew tired over the last four days of finals. However, as I started, I knew today's ride was not the normal ride. Today I reached a moment during my ride with no cars, no sound, only my music, the many stars and I existed on that road. I seemed to fall away from the world I live in, and fall into my own. I rode, gazing at the stars thankful for such a clear night. It made me realize how thankful I am for being in such a great sport. I had a moment today, a great one. It is an amazing feeling to be so passionate about something that you never grow tired of it. Today I did not want to stop riding, I wanted to ride forever. Finding these moments, are one of the reasons I ride for. Not because I have to, but because I love it. Rides like today reassure every reason why I ride and devote so much time to this sport. Pure Passion.

Jack Maddux

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