Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Try Something Different


In late August I started my sophomore year at Upland High as well as my "off-season". I immediately started playing water polo for my high school team as I did last year. I was the starting JV goalie for UHS. My plan has always been to use water polo as a my off-season / cross training sport to stay conditioned. I found that water polo has been really good training for my legs,  lung, and stamina; elements that would help me get a good start to when I get back on the bike. Water polo has also helped me build a strong core due to weight training and lots of swimming each day.

Had fun with my polo team!

During the course of polo and the busy start to school, I began missing my bike and decided to reset my focus once again to my cycling goals. I decided between me, my parents, and coaches (water polo and cycling) that I would continue pre-season water polo and stop playing before league games began. I was fortunate enough to have great support from everyone on this decision and was able to play until the end of September. The timing was good because I felt that was enough to get a solid start on road training for the 2013 season while enjoying some good polo games with the team.

Now here I am...back at it! YES!!

I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that it's OK to try something different in your off season and just have fun with it! Like me, I played polo for a couple of months and decided that it was time to start my training again. So, if you're really focused on your cycling or any other activity year round, I suggest trying something different not only to stay physically, mentally, and socially fit but also to not get so bored with the same old thing!

Thanks for reading,

Nick Castellano

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