Monday, January 27, 2014

Cold Weather Riding

        I live in Colorado. The coldest times of my life have been on my bike. I walk outside before almost every ride to check the temperature. Unfortunately I used to not account for the wind chill I would feel while riding, especially downhill. One winter in Durango, we were experiencing basically no snow. I was lucky enough to be able to ride almost every day outside. The temperatures were cold and I usually would wear three layers. I have learned that 3 is normally not enough for these winter months. I wear an under armor, a jersey, a vest, and a jacket now. My face is always the coldest part of my body however. Recently I have started wearing a bandana that covers my mouth and nose while riding. I not only feel warmer, but the bandana makes me look pretty cool if I must say. It's not just being cold while riding that I don't like, it's the experience of warming up that can be excruciating. Often I feel as though my hands and toes are being smashed under a boulder. The blood flow as your hands warm up seems to create a lot of pressure in your hands. Warming up should be a relief from the cold, instead it's almost as painful as riding in it. I bear the cold during these winter months because no matter what - it beats riding the trainer everyday. I know I'm not the only one who can't wait for summer and warm rides!!


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