Thursday, October 20, 2011

2011 Racing Season wrap-up (part one)

As we get ready to file our bid for USA Cycling 2011 Team of the Year we have the chance to reflect on many highlights for the team.  We'll chop this one up into a few sections and start with the juniors.  Let's go back to last years winter camp when we shared our goals (and how we did against them)

I - develop and support every teammate (14 junior teammates in total living in four different states; eight upgrades; five events with all riders and successes at each event; directing, encouraging, mentoring, support by the entire team)

II - teach and execute optimal and exemplary teamwork (Valley of the Sun, San Dimas, Sea Otter wins and podium placings through teamwork)

III - win local races, state and national championships with style, class, grace and dignity (58 junior wins in 2011; Nationals TT; Colorado TT; California RRx3; California Crit, California TTx3)

IV - win international events including l'abitibi GC, European events withe USA national team and junior world championships (stage two Tour de l'abitibi; tour of West Flanders)

V - create a following of our winning ways on and off the bike (zero to 3,000 FaceBook fans in 19 months!)

Overall, 2011 has been a good year.  We laid out some aggressive goals which aligned with the talent we have on our roster.  We fell short with the big dreams like Nationals, l'abitibi GC and Jr Worlds but achieved so many other successes along the way.  Every one of our fourteen junior teammates took their cycling game to a new level.  They all have bright futures and it is our hope that they look back on the 2011 racing season with great memories of individual growth and team successes.

Larry Nolan, Team Specialized Junior Director

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