Saturday, May 8, 2010

Be liked, be feared

Teammate and former professional Mike McCarthy has presented at the past USA Cycling development camps. One piece of advice that he gives to the campers is "be liked, be feared". He really does a great job in his talk. Hopefuly he will come back to camp July 5-10!

This expression and advice has weighed heavy on my mind this past week. When our competitors took an impressive win at Cat's Hill their reaction surprised me. It should not have, but I was caught off guard by how much they enjoyed beating "Team Specialized". I hope that the teammates that are reading this understand (and live) our teams goal: to be the best team in America, we need to be gracious in victory and in defeat.

Cycling is a funny sport in that we don't get to taste victory very often. We get to eat humble pie on a regular basis. Best to get along with your peers, and have them fear the way you race your bike.


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