Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are you up to the Challenge?

Team Specialized has been with Strava since 2009 and its been a fun ride.  As long time users we've been through it all.  When you first start up on Strava you see all sorts of "achievements" because you are earning personal best efforts on a lot of your rides, even if you have ridden the same segment for years.  As the saying goes "if your ride isn't on Strava, you didn't really ride".  After you've covered your local rides its always a blast to venture out into new territory.  With Strava this is as easy as going to "explore" and finding new routes.  A perfect feature for any traveller.  Strava is compatible with most phones, and its free, so if you are not on you should check it out.

One of their upcoming challenges to their rider base is to pour out 500 kilometers between December 24 and 31, for a cool average of 62.5km (or almost 39 miles) per day.

I've been checking in with teammates to see if they are up for the challenge and thought it best to express my opinion on the team blog -

LOVE the idea of riding 500km in 8 days IF you have time, the weather is good and the pace is right.  It can be the perfect time of year to put down a great base of endurance rides, especially if you head out to new and unfamiliar roads.  A chance to break the routine.

I HATE the idea of riding 500km in 8 days IF you have family obligations, cannot ride all 8 days, the weather is poor for a majority of the week, and you cannot back off on your normal pace.

Christmas Eve to New Years Day is usually a time with family and friends.  Talk to them before you head out the door! 

Weather and pace are related - if the weather is bad (cold and wet) you might be apt to skip a day and overdo it on another day.  Not good.

Best of luck if you take the challenge, but best to keep the whole of the 2013 racing season in mind as you set out for your 500km in 8 days.  Good luck, Larry Nolan, Team Specialized

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