Friday, August 12, 2011

Some Time Off The Bike

I am kind of going off the cycling topic for this blog, but
I have not been able to ride for the past couple of weeks because of a hip
injury.  Although it is disappointing
that I cannot finish up the racing season, it has been nice to take a mental
and physical break.  During this rest
period, I had the opportunity to go to  Maui.  It
was a very special trip because 12 members of my extended family all got to go.
 This is the first time that the 12 of us
vacationed together.  We stayed in North
Kanapali at the nicest hotel I have ever been in.  Every day, we all had a great time doing all
the typical tourist activities like snorkeling, going to a Luau and eating a
ton of food.  On one of the days we went
to the Grand Wailea for the most amazing brunch any one has ever seen.  It was impossible to go there and eat less
than 4,000 calories.     My
favorite thing about the trip was seeing some incredible sea life, while
snorkeling.  On every outing we saw at
least one huge sea turtle.  One time, I
even swam next to one for a solid 10 minutes or so.  This was a trip of a lifetime and it is one I
will never forget.

As far as my hip, I should be able to do some hard riding
soon. I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow to get a MRI and I will know more
after that.


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