Thursday, December 13, 2007

Overijse... that's a memory!

This coming Sunday I'll be logging onto to check out the cyclocross results from Vlaamse Druivenveldrit in Overijse, Belgium. Oh, how I wish I was there to see the action.

Back in 2001-2002 my family and I lived in Belgium for a year. It was a great experience. We found a Christian church within the first few days of arriving, it was close to where we lived and it was in Overijse. We felt welcomed and comfortable there and the locals talked about a big cycling event in town around Christmas.

I'm not much of a cyclocross racer but I had to give it a try. Dec. 23, 2001 ... it's not important how I did, but snow was falling when I raced and I had a smile on my face for 45 minutes! Fast forward to the Pro race and I was in awe that these guys were racing over terrain that I was walking only hours before. Amazing efforts. Amazing bike handling skills. Amazing camera work (he he) and a great memory.

Check out for details. You can bet that I will! Cheers, Larry

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