Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I love my commute, and I save time too

Silicon Valley is booming again, and traffic is horrible.  Not only do I have a beautiful bike ride into work, it often takes me less time than if I was in my car.
This is my morning commute going across the San Francisco Bay, from Fremont into East Palo Alto.  I love this view!
This is the commuters view.  Yes, they have their music, phones, coffee and eyeliner, but they also have brake lights!

My commuting tip: drive into work with an extra days clothes (or the whole week) and use your car as your "locker room".  This way you eliminate having to carry clothes -and- you have a car at work if needed. 

Math: 30km commute by car @ average of 45 minutes (30 minutes if 6am or 8pm, 75 minutes if 8pm or 5pm), or 30km commute by bike @ average of 75 minutes = 75 minutes of exercise for just 30 minutes of my time!  Double bonus when I leave home at 8am or leave work at 5pm and ride faster than traffic!

Practical: I rode 16,000 kilometers in my training year (Oct 1- Sept 30) and a majority come from commuting.  These are not junk miles, they are base miles, a means to get to "the morning ride" (Palo Alto) and Tuesday and Thursday night training (Fremont) as well as getting to work or home at a predictable time.  It's also my therapy!  I want to hear about your commute.... Larry Nolan, NCCF Team Specialized Juniors Director

1 comment:

Ian said...

Life Score Card.
34 years of work.
33.5 Years Commute by Bike
.5 Year Commute by Train.
0 Commute by Car.